2023-24 Performance DatA
Early Years Foundation Stage Attainment
Note: this data for EYFS includes 11 children in The Ark SEN unit - who are each working at the Engagement Model and wouldn't be expected to reach GLD.
Year 1 Attainment in Phonics
Year 6 Attainment
- For the first time in recent history - the school is now reaching national figures for combined attainment. This is significant as it is a marker of success and impact of the implemented curriculum.
- Children do very well in reading at this school.
- Writing shows a similar trajectory to the previous year. When looking at performance in 2022 (under previous leadership) where only 2.3% achieved EXS, this continues to be a focus for the school.
- Maths improved again on the previous year. 10% of the cohort were performing at the higher standard.