Mason Moor pupils meet newly crowned Queen Camilla!

We were exceptionally proud to ‘fly the flag’ for our City this week, when we were invited to attend a National Literacy Trust event with a VIP guest - Her Majesty Queen Camilla!
Mia and Charlie had an adventure to remember, to Bristol, to visit Shirehampton Primary, where they celebrated the opening of a new library.
Her Majesty was very interested in the school and the local area - she asked the children about their trip to Bristol and enquired about the designs for Mason Moor’s library. She asked Mr Constable-Phelps why the library was important to our school and community and Ms Brooks shared our vision for developing reading. Pictured is Queen Camilla speaking to Mia as she showed the Queen her library design. We are so proud of the children for their composure, and we look forward to finding out if Mason Moor will host Her Majesty in the next academic year for our very own new library opening!
Local press coverage of Mason Moor’s exciting audience with Queen Camilla: