Mason Moor Primary (alongside the partnership schools) are the only Southampton Schools currently using the Neurodiversity Profile to support families and young people where difficulties in communication or behaviour occur.
Pathway for completing an ND profiling tool:
Child/YoungPerson presents with difficulties in behaviour/communication in school or at home and NeuroDiversity is suspected.
School or parents decide that they would like the ND profile to be completed.
As a trained school, we will complete this with the family, then identify the strategies to be used by the family and the school to support the CYP.

Activities and Outputs
•A Profiling Tool based on 9 dimensions (sub-profiles) that can be used by non-clinicians in a wide set of context alongside families – inspired by the work of Dr Jonathan Prosser in Solent NHS
•A Training programme - 100s of trained professionals across the children’s system to use the Profiling Tool alongside children and families
•A bank of resources and strategies for families to use - shaped to the child’s neuro-profile
•A multi-disciplinary team that can provide help, advice, support and guidance
•A reduction in demand for formal diagnosis - but not a ‘switching off’ as many families will continue to benefit from formal diagnosis
Outcomes: Our families described the following outcomes:
•“I have a better understanding of my child’s differences”
•“My child’s teachers has a better understanding of his/her differences”
•“My child’s needs are being met at school / pre-school setting ”
•“I am meeting my child’s needs at home”
Nine Sub-Profiles
a)Speech and Language
b)Energy Levels
c)Attention Skills and Impulse Control
d)Emotional Regulation
e)Motor Skills
f)Sensory spectrum
g)Flexibility and Adaptability
h)Empathising and Systemising skills
i)Cognitive Ability
Additional learning needs (ALN)
Specialist teacher input/Nurture style
- Baseline?
- Boxall profile tool completed
- Neurodiversity Profiler
- Targets:
- X1 academic target (reading/wri/maths)
- X2 developmental targets (from boxall or neuro diversity tool)
- Reviewing provision:
- 4 weekly
- ‘Team around the child’ family + class teacher + externals (family engagement, social worker etc)
- Baseline?
- Boxall profile tool completed
- Neurodiversity profiler
- SALT/ECAT (every child a talker)
- Sensory checklist
- Targets:
- Taken from EHCP or recent IEP
- Developmental strands considered from the profiles/sensory
- Speech and language input
- Reviewing provision:
- 6 weekly / half termly in a SEND pupil progress style meeting. Including family.